Sarah’s Health Notes: The supplements you need now Health, Feature, WellbeingSarah StaceyAugust 28, 2020Shabir Daya, Victoria Health, Mega Probiotic ND, Lion Heart Pure Omega 3 Fish Oil, BetterYou DLux 3000Spray, Your Zooki Vitamin C Zooki Liposomal Vitamin C, Patrick Holford, Flu Fighters, Alive Ultra Men’s Energy Wholefood Plus, Alive Ultra Women’s Energy Wholefood Plus
Should I be taking calcium post-menopause...? Feature, News, WellbeingTania SmithNovember 15, 2015Better You DLux 3000 Spray, calcium, menopause, National Osteoporosis Society, Patrick Holford, Viridian Woman 40+
I want to keep my fiftysomething brain sharp and prevent Alzheimer's WellbeingTania SmithJune 24, 2012age-related memory loss, Alzheimer's, anaemia, Annabel Karmel MBE, antioxidant-rich green tea, B12 Boost Pure Energy Oral Spray, Deborah Mitchell, dementia, Dr- Michael Dixon, Duchess of Cornwall, Eating for Two, food poisoning, heartburn, Heaven Flight Kit, Heaven skincare, homocysteine, insulin and memory levels, Jerome Burne, low GI diet, low vitamin D, manuka honey, Mediterranean-style diet, Mega Probiotic ND, MorDHA Smart Fats, morning sickness, Patrick Holford, sharp memory, sunshine vitamin, The 10 Secrets of Healthy Ageing, Viridian High Twelve B Complex, vitamin B, white tea