Sarah’s Health Notes: Let's celebrate Social Prescribing Day (Wednesday 19th March)
Feature, Health, WellbeingSarah StaceySocial Prescribing, Kings Fund, gardening, insomnia, Beyond Pills Campaign, NICE, exercise, lonliness, CBT, medication, green social prescribing, National Overprescribing Review, Dr. Simon Opher
Sarah’s Health Notes: A-tish-ooo! It’s hay fever season again…
Feature, Health, WellbeingJosephine FairleyShabir Daya, Gill Sinclair, Victoria Health, Aller-DMG, hay fever, Triple Allergy Defense, Professor Jonathan Brostoff, SP Science Silver Life Face Covering, HayMax, Met Office pollen forecast
Sarah’s Health Notes: Festive first aid
Sarah’s Health Notes: Dry Eye Syndrome
Sarah's Health Notes: How to help your immune system
Sarah's Health Notes: Aromatherapy for the Menopause
Health, Feature, WellbeingSarah Staceyaromatherapy, menopause, perimenopause, aromatherapy for menopause, World Menopause Day, Aromatherapy Associates, Geraldine Howard, Your Change Your Choice
Sarah's Health Notes: Know the signs of gynae cancers
Health, Feature, WellbeingSarah StaceyEczema, eczema relief, gynaecological cancers, gynae cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, womb cancer, vaginal cancer, vulval cancer, cancer symptoms, abnormal vaginal bleeding, peristent bloating, pelvic pain, lower back pain, abdominal pain, bowel movements, bladder, frequent urination, constipation, Miss Smita Sinha
Sarah's Health Notes: How to stop scratching that itch! Our eczema update
Health, Feature, WellbeingSarah StaceyEczema, eczema relief, eczema in babies and children, National Eczema Awareness Week, National Eczema Society (NES), stress, steroids, homeopathy, dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dermatology, Bare Biology, omega 3, Hopes Releif Intensive Dry Skin Rescue Cream, Goats Milk Body Wash, Goats Milk Dry Itchy Flaky Scalp Shampoo
Sarah's Health Notes: Embrace the 'glimmers'
Health Notes: Eye health for swimmers
Sarah’s Health Notes: Drink water please….
Health Notes: The life-saving benefits of floating
Health Notes: DO have fun in the sun
Sarah’s Health Notes: Exercise beats therapy and pills for easing depression – and dancing came top
Sarah’s Health Notes: You’ve got that itchy sneezy feeling….
Sarah's Health Notes: Love Your Pet Day
Sarah's Health Notes: What to do when you don't love your wrinkles...
Sarah's Health Notes: The lowdown on gluten sensitivity
Sarah's Health Notes: Confronting colds
Sarah’s Health Notes: Holiday healers (again…)