Beauty Bible Loves... Paul Smith Daydreamer Candle
Photos: © Jo Fairley
You change up your summer clothes. Shoes. And maybe even the plates you serve dinner on. So… why not your scented candles?
The Paul Smith Daydreamer Candle got us thinking about just that – and as summer belatedly arrives, this is flickering fabulously at Beauty Bible HQ. (Somehow, the snuggly, cashmere-y scented candles we’d been burning lately felt as wrong as wearing opaque tights on a hot day.)
The stylish box (well, it IS Paul Smith) gives a hint as to the scent itself: verbena, clary sage, lavender and hay. Ah, hay! This genuinely makes us think of meadows and frolicking as if you’re in a Timotei ad, and languid afternoons with not a care in the world.
And with August literally being the month to make hay when the sun shines, this couldn’t be a perfect switch-up for our home (and home office) scentscape.
£ for 240g – buy here