Would you tweet for a fragrance?
We're on Twitter. We Facebook. Jo's ridiculously keen Instagram. We even have Pinterest boards! And no question: social media has become incredibly important. (Noticed how hard it is to navigate a typical high street, nowadays, dodging shoppers who are tapping on their phones while walking along...?) But Marc Jacobs's pop-up shop in New York - to coincide with New York Fashion Week - takes things to a whole new level. Because you can't actually buy stuff; instead of using cards or cash to get your hands on fragrance and beauty and fashion items, transactions will be entirely based on a customer's use of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook (the hashtag's #MJDaisyChain, if you want to keep an eye on this).
We're not quite sure what the tweet rate to the dollar is, yet - but it's a fascinating idea. (And will no doubt spawn a gazillion me-toos: that's how marketing seems to work.)
The Tweet Shop (it's at 462 West Broadway, in SoHo) will have a comfy lounge, drinks and free Wi-Fi, as well as a Daisy Beauty Bar, a photobooth and in-house DJ.
We suspect it'll be followed by countless me-toos, so congrats to Marc Jacobs for being first with a whole new beauty currency...