Beauty Clinic: Eye make up for dry eye and blepharitis Feature, Beauty ClinicSarah StaceyOctober 4, 2020Beauty Clinic: Eye make up for dry eye and blepharitis, dry eye, blepharitis, Oxygenetix Oxygenating Breathable Foundation, Sibu Omega-7 Sea Buckthorn Oil, Blephaclean wipes
Beauty Clinic: Can I wear make up with dry eye syndrome? Feature, Beauty ClinicJosephine FairleyMay 26, 2019dry eyes, make-up for dry eye syndrome, Dr. Sabrina Shah-Desai, Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner, Oxygenetix Oxygenating Breathable Foundation, OPTASE ® Moist Heat Mask, OPTASE Tea Tree Oil Lid Wipes