Beauty Bible Bank Holiday Weekend Steal – our box is now just £20 for nine items!
Photos: © Jo Fairley
We’re thrilled and delighted that our Beauty Bible 2023 Award Winners - The Beauty Bible Edit Box has sold like the hottest of hot cakes.
But if you’ve been dithering, linger no longer. You can now pick up NINE items from the selection pictured above for £20 (all still available at time we pressed the button on this post – but no promises!).
Here’s the deal: as a Beauty Bible insider, your special code BIBLESAVE will now bag you FREE DELIVERY on your selection of nine products (saving you £3.95, which everyone else will pay). So, simply click the link below and start building your box, and use that code where it says ‘APPLY PROMO’ on the checkouot page.
There are full sizes and great intro sizes, perfect for trialling products you’ve always wanted to get your hands on.
Big-name brands and fabulous start-ups.
Natural and high-tech.
And some items are individually worth more than the cost of the WHOLE box!
We always talk about the fact we never regret the things we DID buy – only the ones we missed out on.
So we will certainly be grabbing some last-minute bargains, ourselves…
Find the box here