New Ciaté Gelology Paint Pot shades


We’re booking a pedicure immediately. (Looking down at our post-summer toes, this is long overdue, actually – and we’re slapping our own wrists about that.)

Our only challenge: which of these three shimmering, iridescently gorgeous new Ciaté Gelology Paint Pot shades to go for…? This is a really, really tough call.

They shimmer. They gleam. When you move your nails in the light, they morph – like the wings of a butterfly, or the rainbow on an oil slick – between different tones. There’s red in the gold (Paradise Lost), green in the purple (After Dark), orange in the green (or hang on, is it the other way around…?), which glories in the name of Forbidden Fruit.

What we love about Ciaté Gelology is how long they last. They promise 10 days of wear, but that’s fingers. On toes, they last way longer. They’re NOT gels (with all the associated damage) - but they behave very like them.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. But as beauty editors, these are the sort of decisions we love…!

And we’re really looking forward to looking at our newly-revarnished feet in a yogic forward bend, any day now – while we wait for the party shoe season to kick off…

£12 each – buy here