Centrepoint invite you to become a Souper Trouper!

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Soup season is coming. Although we're sad that this fantastic summer is coming to a close, that's one of the compensations of autumn's arrival. Steaming, nutritious, delicious soup. Lots of it. (Maybe with bread. Oh, and lashings of butter...)

But there is a VERY good reason to get the soup bowls out – in support of one of our favourite charities, Centrepoint, which does phenomenal work with young, homeless people. (Each year we organise Christmas gifts for hundreds of young women at their centres around the UK, thanks to the generosity of the beauty industry.)

On Friday 2nd November they are organising 'The Big Broth' – a fund-raising opportunity whereby you get together with friends or family or colleagues and enjoy some delicious soup. (You've got a couple of months to pore over Nigel Slater and find some recipes – and maybe have whatever the soup equivalent of a dry run is.)

Sign up for a pack with posters and the how-to – just click here – but basically the idea is: you all get together around a steaming cauldron of soup and (in a perfect world) decorate each bowlful with 'bits' to make a (highly Instagrammable) smile. A bit of parsley or some chives is probably all it takes, we reckon. You don't even have to make the soup – a takeaway would be fine.

But if everyone makes a donation to the cause, it'll raise a lot of money for Centrepoint – and put some real smiles on some real faces.

We rarely need an excuse to make (and drink) soup. But they don't come better than this
