Beauty Bible Loves... The Scented Letter 'Rites of Spring' edition
Free magazine alert!
For the past (coming up for) 10 years, Beauty Bible’s Jo Fairley has been editing The Scented Letter magazine for The Perfume Society – the only perfume magazine in the world, covering perfumers and creators, fragrance trends, new launches and all manner of other scented news.
The magazine has been nominated for over 50 awards and gone on to win many Jasmine Awards and Perfumed Plume Awards, the highest accolades in fragrance writing. In the run-down of Jasmine Awards just announced by The Fragrance Foundation, six more nominations were received, for Jo (two), and talented writers Suzy Nightingale (three) and Scott McGlashan, who wrote for the magazine about how the scent of Soir de Paris helped reawaken his grandmother’s memories.
The latest 60-page issue of the magazine – which is free, if you sign up to The Perfume Society’s mailing list – was just unveiled. In addition, print copies are available, priced £15 (£12.50 if you join The Perfume Society’s V.I.P. Club); click here to buy a print copy.
Here are some of the articles you can look forward to…
• In Smoke Without Fire, Suzy Nightingale explores the strong incense trend that’s drifting through perfumery and home fragrance.
• Blossom Time (written by Jo, pictured above) showcases the petal-powered fragrances that have been fluttering onto the perfume counters, lately.
• A Working Nose – based in New York and Paris, perfumer Bruno Jovanovic shares the secrets of his creative day.
• Indulge in Rites of Spring (Cleaning) and fall in love with housework, thanks to the new generation of sublimely scented homecare products. Pass the sponge!
• In Memories, Dreams, Reflections, the globally renowned health and wellbeing guru Deepak Chopra shares his story in essential oils, alongside fascinating aromatic insights.
• Step Inside the Museum of Scent via an extract from California-based natural perfumer Mandy Aftel’s fabulous new book, showcasing her collection of perfumery treasures
Plus, as always, you can read about ALL the Latest Launches – in home fragrance, as well as perfumes to wear – and get a whiff of perfume world news, in Nosing Around.
We think you’ll love it, too.
A wonderful extract from natural perfumer Mandy Aftel’s book
Jo’s article on fabulously fragrant home cleaning products