Beauty Bible Loves... By Terry Hyaluronic Acid Serum Concealer

Our expectations were high. After all, Terry (as in ‘By Terry’) de Gunzburg is the woman who invented YSL Touche Éclat, which we reckon has to be the most famous concealer of all time, launched in 1992, going on to become a true beauty icon.

Last time we met, Terry let us in on the news that she was working on something exciting – but we didn’t quite realise HOW good By Terry Hyaluronic Acid Serum Concealer was going to be.

In 12 shades spanning lightest to deepest skintones, the luscious, hyaluronic acid-powered serum formula of this wand-style concealer makes it almost melt into skin, taking your imperfections and dark circles with it. (‘What dark circles?’, you’ll be asking.)

(Terry was a pioneer of using hyaluronic acid, and just loves, loves, loves it, generally incorporating several different ‘weights’ of this mega-moisturising ingredient into her formulations.)

Just a dot does for those shadowy areas on the inside of the bridge of the nose – so important for making eyes look less tired – and, being un-Botox-ed, we like a little dab on the ’11’ lines between the brows, which are considerably improved with just a touch of this. We also suffer from weird ‘blue dots’ on the outer eye area, when really tired – but hey, presto! Those disappear, too.

You could probably use a brush to blend this concealer, but frankly, a (clean) finger is all that’s called for to blend seamlessly into skin. The finish is satiny – not too shiny, not flat-matte, but perfect.

A magic wand for more modern times.

£39 – buy here