Q. Are there any vitamins suitable for vegetarians/ strict vegans?
A. The short answer is yes to vegetarian, but very few for vegans because vitamin D is generally derived from sheep’s wool, and carotenoids (a form of vitamin A) are stabilised with gelatine.  However, pharmacist Shabir Daya from Victoria Health suggests the following:

•  For vegetarians, All Natural Perfectly Balanced by Natural Nutrition Centre, take two tablets twice a day, £25.95 for 120 tablets at www.victoriahealth.com (we think these are great too) – buy here (remember you get a 5% discount, deducted automatically at discount at VH when you visit from our site)

•  For vegetarians and vegans: Multivitamins and Minerals by Nature’s Own, one tablet daily. This provides all the vitamins and minerals in a food state.  £13.35 for 60 tablets at www.victoriahealth.combuy here (and see note above about discount)

Or:  Vegetarian Multiple by Solgar Vitamins, a high potency vitamin and mineral supplement £18 for 90 vegicaps (take one capsule daily) – buy here (and see note above about discount)