Q. For the last couple of months, I have noticed that only one nail has become very soft and there is a deep vertical ridge at the softest point. This nail is also much shorter – from cuticle to end – than same finger on other hand.  I take Imedeen Classic and Evening Primrose Oil, and I have been rubbing Jessica Phenomenoil into offending nail – help…!
A. Two suggestions: take a supplement of silica.  And also, do wear washing up gloves all the time for any watery tasks and also opening envelopes or doing anything with paper, which dries out nails. Additionally, we suggest rubbing in a drop, literally, of Dr Hauschka’s Neem Nail Oil night and morning, forever really if you have weak nails. Taking Essential Fatty Acids helps, too;  we recommend IdealOmega3, see below.

Dr Hauschka’s Neem Nail Oil, £24.95 at www.drhauschka.co.ukbuy here

•  IdealOmega 3, by Ideal Omega, from £23.70 for 60 capsules – buy here (you receive an automatic 5% discount on the site, deducted automatically at checkout)