Q. With regard to Imedeen… I’m hooked on the comment in your previous book Feel Fab Forever that your skin is ‘thicker’ thanks to this product.  Increased density is what I need at 52, with usually very good but thin, sensitive skin. I already take AgeLoss, silica, hyaluronic acid, DMAE and Viridian Beauty Complex to preserve my glow, with noticeable success…  (In addition to general health and menopause supplements, all on top of a pretty damn great diet rich in oils, fish etc etc. – and you should see all the external stuff!)  Do you think I’d be foolish to add Imedeen to this regime?
A. No, we don’t – think you’d be foolish, that is!  If you can afford it, go ahead!  Imedeen Time Perfection works in a different way to the other supplements, due to the patented bio-marine compound it’s based on, which directly targets skin thickness.  Both of us have seen noticeable results from using it.  However, don’t expect anything to happen overnight: it took over four months for Sarah’s very thin skin to achieve a change she could see with the naked eye.  PS We’re so glad our other recommended supplements are doing so well at preserving your glow factor!

Imedeen Time Perfection, £42.99 for 60 capsules at www.boots.combuy here


Q. I have started taking the AgeLoss tablets. You both said in the past that you took them and then had a break from them after a while. Can you tell me why you need to take a break and for how long?

A. Many experts recommend that any supplement should only be taken for three months followed by one month off.  This is to stop your system becoming reliant on a supplement.  We don’t necessarily do this with everything but when it comes to AgeLoss, we do find that it works well as a three month ‘tune-up’, with one to three months off.

AgeLoss, £27.20 for 60 tablets at www.victoriahealth.combuy here (and you get a 5% discount deducted at the checkout)


Q. I am 64 and have greatly enjoyed reading and re-reading Feel Fab Forever which I was given years ago!  I’d be most grateful on best ways to reduce/halt wrinkles on face and reduce weight around my tummy, buttocks and top of legs, plus info on how to obtain GlisODin, which you talk about in that book.

 A. First of all, the easy-peasy one:  GlisODin is available via www.victoriahealth.com – see below  (For those who don’t know, GlisODin is an incredibly powerful antioxidant that we’ve had great skin benefits from ourselves.)  With regard to lines and wrinkles, we absolutely believe that creams – used diligently – can be hugely beneficial.

We would recommend that you start right now with an SPF15 (or over) day cream, because this is the most effective way to prevent lines from becoming worse.  As for the ‘best’ creams, we would point you in the direction of The Anti-Ageing Beauty Bible, which replaces Feel Fab Forever:  it features results of our recent trials on anti-ageing creams, with some incredinly high scorers.  (You can buy exclusive signed copies through VH, too.)

As far as weight loss is concerned, we have two recommendations: firstly, try one or both of two books by authors we know and trust.  They are: The New High Protein Diet by Dr Charles Clark and Maureen Clark, and secondly, Fat Around the Middle by Marilyn Glenville.  They both sing from the same hymn sheet basically.

And also remember that one of the main problems with weight is lack of exercise: aim for a minimum of 30 minutes to one hour daily (not necessarily in one go).  Do whatever you enjoy – a mixture is great: so maybe walking, yoga, dancing, swimming, rebounding on a trampoline and so on.

For your bones’ sake, make the majority of it load-bearing – so while swimming is great for muscles and general toning it shouldn’t be your only activity:  try yoga, or lifting light weights.

GlisODin, £25.50 for 30 capsules at www.victoriahealth.combuy here (remember:  as a Beauty Bible ‘insider’, you get an automatic 5% discount on these, deducted at checkout)

The New High Protein Diet by Dr Charles Clark and Maureen Clark, £7.99 at www.amazon.co.ukbuy here

Fat Around the Middle by Marilyn Glenville, £6.99, at www.amazon.co.ukbuy here