Q. My nails have become dry, brittle and are in very poor condition. Please can you recommend anything to help them?

A. There’s no quick fix as nails take time to grow. But you can make an immediate difference to their appearance by massaging in oil and/or oily hand cream now this minute – and every single time you have had your hands in water 24/7. Secondly, wear gloves when you wash up and when you handle paper (incredibly drying), garden, groom horses (Sarah’s downfall) and the rest. Just wear gloves! Thirdly, take a magnesium supplement such as Dynomins Magnesium (helps you sleep and stay calm too). We also LOVE Miracle Lotion on hands…

Lastly, eat lots and lots of green veg, for the nutrients they contain,
as well as oily fish. It helps everything including your nails. PS we like to keep our nails short, gently filed with an emery board (NEVER buffed – that weakens fragile nails), and varnished with clear or pale pink polish.

Dynomins Magnesium, £14.95 for 90 tablets at
www.victoriahealth.combuy here (and as you’re a Beauty Bible ‘insider’ you’ll get a worthwhile 5% discount at checkout)

Miracle Lotion, £14.50 at www.victoriahealth.combuy here
(see note above about discount)