Q. Femail in the Mail on Sunday’s YOU magazine a couple of months ago advertised the product The All Night Styling Powder – but I can’t find it on your website. Help!
A. That’s because although we’re both Contributing Editors to the Mail on Sunday’s, we aren’t actually anything to do with Femail…!  However:  you can buy this from www.victoriahealth.com.  For anyone who doesn’t know, it’s a hair powder/dry shampoo/styling product that shakes onto the hair to freshen it and extend oil, and it comes in different shades – from Platinum/Neutral to Dark Brown/Black, and one for Redheads.

The All Night Styling Powder, £19.75 is available from www.victoriahealth.combuy here (and remember:  you receive an  exclusive 5% discount at VH when you visit from our site)