Beauty Bible

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Tip of the Day: 04.01.2017

From our ESPA founder friend Susan Harmsworth, eternal wisdom for 2017: ‘Remember: beauty isn’t just how you look – it’s how you feel. Devote time to de-stressing and relaxation, or stress will add years to your face. The fastest way to take years off is to smile and stand straighter.’ The best way to lose weight, advises ‘I Quit Sugar’ author Sarah Wilson, is to ‘Stop thinking about weight. You are aiming for a state of food freedom, a place where you eat to nourish yourself, and that won’t happen if you’re worrying about the scales. Focus on noticing the other benefits of eating well. For instance, the first people see on the [I Quit Sugar] plans is how good their skin starts to look. The next thing that changes is their energy level. At this point they start to feel more positive and they actually stop talking about their weight. That, to me, is where we should aim to be.’