Beauty Bible

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Sarah’s health notes: Secrets for a calmer morning

If you rise like a goddess and glide calmly into the day, perfectly turned out and with everything in place, stop reading now.

If, on the other hand, you might ignore a raucous alarm for just a few more moments in your nest, stumble out of bed and into a too short shower, throw clothes around the room, put the kettle on for a quick cup of tea but no time for breakfast, throw some make up at your face (maybe – or that could be on the way to work) – oh, you know the picture…!

By that time, your breath is probably coming in pants and you’re feeling scratchy. You may well race out of the door with un-matching shoes (been there done that, actually black and brown boots), forget your travel pass and a few other vital things. And you feel all jumbled up and out of sorts.

But it could all be different - much nicer and much calmer. We really liked a recent slide show on (good US medical site, btw) which gives a set of simple hacks to cut stress and start the day right.

1.  Prep the night before. Choose clothes for the next day. Pack up everything you (and the rest of the family) need, eg papers, books, lunch, travel pass, reading glasses. Even make an easy breakfast like muesli with berries and leave in the fridge. Check where you need to be and when.

2.  Make a morning playlist. Music can help melt away stress so compile a mix of your favourite tracks.

3.  Write a list for the morning. Also keep a pad and pencil by your bed in case you wake up in the night fretting.

4.  Give yourself extra time. Ten minutes more can make a big difference – like breakfast! Choose an alarm that wakes you gently, even a dawn simulator to rouse you naturally.  

5.  Stretch your whole body. Lying flat on your back, point your toes and reach your arms above your head.

6.  Get the energy flowing. Dry brush your skin while the water heats up; after your shower shake hands, feet, arms, legs then make loose fists and tap from head down and up again, all over your body. 

7.  Eat a healthy breakfast. Don’t risk getting ‘hangry’ – stressed and irritable due to an empty stomach. Do include some protein, fruit or veg, and whole grains.

8.  Breathe and be mindful. Brush your teeth and breathe slowly and deeply for the two minutes it takes to brush properly. If you’re into meditation of some kind, give yourself a few minutes to do that. Even gazing at the sky as you eat breakfast, rather than racing and gulping, will help.

9.  Be grateful. Saying thank you when you wake up can brighten any grey mood – think of people and things you are glad to have in your life, from particular family and friends (horses for me too) to hot water gushing from the tap and a good cup of tea or coffee (or both…).