Beauty Bible

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Perform a random act of kindness

We've always loved the concept of Random Acts of Kindness - from cooking a meal for a new neighbour who's up to her neck in packing crates through to slipping a quid of your own money into a stranger's parking meter, to spare them from getting a ticket... Ever since the book of the same name was published some years back, 'Random Acts' has grown into a bit of a global movement.  But now Breakthrough Breast Cancer has cleverly harnessed the concept to raise money - in Edinburgh, initially, though we've a hunch it could spread far and wide...

You can pledge a Random Act of Kindness here.  That might be offering a couple of hours of decorating help, giving a cupcake lesson, teaching someone to run, babysitting, or offering a make-up lesson. (Our lovely Edinburgh-based friend Rachel Meddowes, who first alerted us to this fund-raiser, is offering her skills as an interior designer/stylist to someone who wants ideas for a child's nursery or bedroom.)

Alternatively, between Wednesday 19th June 2013 and Saturday 22nd June, you can make a bid for one of these Acts (although be aware:  you need to be within a reasonable radius of Edinburgh to take advantage of many of them);  visit the website during that timeframe to do that, or visit the exhibition of pledges at Gallery Seventeen on Edinburgh's Dundas Street, EH3 6QG.  Local businesses have also donated items for sale - and of course anyone, anywhere can bid for these.

Or, alternatively, you can randomly donate some money to this good cause because - well, just because it's a nice thing to do, and it helps to make the world  a better place...

And we're all for that.

www.performarandomactofkindness.comclick here Twitter: @KindActsEdin