Beauty Bible

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Om, sweet om...

Although everyone seems pretty chilled at the moment (something to do with the lovely weather, perchance...?), we still try to find time to meditate when we can, to keep life's stresses under control.   Helps to get a sense of perspective, in a frazzled world.  (Meditation is also now being acknowledged for its ability to give clarity, when we're on information overload.)

If you've always had trouble meditating (mind turning to laundry/shopping lists, where you're going on holiday, etc.), a course can help.  So you might want to know about Inner Space, in Covent Garden, which runs free four-session courses (two sessions, twice a week), teaching meditation.

There are also courses in self-esteem, relaxation and positive thinking, and all in a calm setting which feels a world away from the bustle of Covent Garden (and the City, where their other branch is based).  They also have a terrific bookshop, and a 'Quiet Room', which you can pop into any time, to chill or meditate.

And if you need someone to show you the way to go 'om', we recommend this as a great place to start. 36 Shorts Gardens, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9AB/020-7836 6688