Jalue Ice Therapy
First, a warning. If you have kids in the house, tuck this away at the back of the freezer – or they could be in for a big surprise when they confuse it with an ice lolly. Because an ice lolly this is – for faces, packed with rejuvenating botanicals and based on herbal recipes handed down to founder Jale Demirchi from her Turkish herbalist mother. Her mother also studied to be a doctor – but was a great believer in herbs and vinegar poultices to cure all manner of ailments, later going on to make creams and masks based on a book called Cosmetics from the Summer House, by Ivan Dubrovnik. (And we'd really love to get our hands on a translation of that!)
The Jalue cryotherapy treatment, then, has a real D-I-Y feel to it. First, boil your sachet of herbs for 20 minutes – and then freeze in the silicone lolly stick. The idea is that you then remove the icy stick from its 'lolly case' and, using the easy-to-use handle, smooth over skin to administer a skin-saving aromatic blend of chamomile, rose, oak bark, nettle, sage and more. It chills the skin deeply – and as a result, de-puffs dramatically as you're sweeping it over skin.
The only caveat is if you've a tendency to broken capillaries, when a treatment this icy isn't a good idea; if this applies to you, wrap the frozen cone in a muslin. (We advise wrapping a towel around the neck, too, to soak up the liquid as it melts.) But we've long espoused the use of ice for facial de-puffing and decongesting. Each stick is designed to last a week – if you get round to using it every single day (which we admit we haven't, so it's lasted longer) – whereupon you repeat the process. Instead, we've been deploying it as a quick fix when the face is droopy and drab.
An innovative way to harness ancient herbal skin wisdom – and very effectively face-waking indeed.
Jalue Ice Therapy/£39 at jalue.com