

Well, this is something super-clever. 

The problem with tweezers is that over time, they can become blunt and lose their grip. But just as you'd use a knife-sharpener in the kitchen, this very simple tool magically gives a great edge back to dull, blunt tweezers, thus extending their life.

Tweezerfile is made of diamond-plated stainless steel, with an ergonomic handle that makes it easy to grip as you sharpen with it. And the attitude of the co-creator, Lucy Zender, definitely chimes with us: 

'As a society which is more eco-conscious than ever, it seemed a shame to us that we waste and throw away a tool that can be so easily be restored. We thrive on the idea of living a low waste life to help our planet to stay healthy, and if Tweezerfile can help, even in a small way, to eliminate excess waste, then we have succeeded in our goal.

One caveat, though: we suggest NOT packing this in hand luggage. It looks much more like a lethal weapon than it actually is, and you'll save yourself some argy-bargy with airport security if you pre-sharpen your tweezers and leave it at home. There's nothing eco about having your Tweezerfile confiscated, never to be seen again...

£12.99 – buy here