Everyone should try yoga - starting now!
Triyoga is the yummy mummies' yoga destination of choice, in Primrose Hill (and Soho, and Chelea) - and they have some pretty darned fantastic teachers at their airy, spacious studios. But now the founder of Triyoga, Jonathan Sattin, has collaborated on a really instructive book, Everyone Try Yoga, with Victoria Woodhall - subtitled 'Finding your yoga fit', it walks you through the different, often confusing styles of yoga, and cleverly comes up with a regime for each which is achievable in just 10 minutes a day.
There are lists of reasons why men should do yoga, myths busted (e.g. it's just not good enough to say 'I'm not bendy enough'), how to use yoga to improve personal relationships (fascinating, that) - and lots and lots of practical wisdom and tips. For instance: for period pains, try half-moon pose against the wall, to make space in the pelvis and abdomen.
We've always advised anyone to try yoga, for health, beauty and wellbeing: it's our No. 1 beauty tip ever.
We think this could be just the book to get you started - and as a kind of 'gift-with-purchase', it also features a great DVD with three practices for all levels, with A-list instructor Bridget Woods Kramer.
UK readers find Everyone Try Yoga at www.amazon.co.uk/£18.99 -
buy here
US readers find it at
www.amazon.com/$26.75 - buy here
If you want to build a yoga 'bookshelf' meanwhile, do also look at Jo's book Yoga for Life (signed copies are exclusively available at www.victoriahealth.com/£13.99 - buy here), which has had some great reviews, too.