Beauty Clinic: Advice for seborrheic dermatitis, please?
Q. Are there any skincare products or a regime you can recommend to help with seborrheic dermatitis? The dermatologist prescribed Daktacourt Hydrocortisone Cream, which has got rid of the marks on my skin but as soon as I stop using it, the rash comes back. Many people say their skin becomes immune to Daktacourt eventually.
A. We asked pharmacist Shabir Daya for his advice on this. He says ‘seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory condition, which can affect any part of the body although the scalp and face are the most commonly affected areas.’
Through experience and feedback, he has found that ‘an inside outside approach is the best way to manage this condition effectively. The problem with using anti-fungal/steroidal creams is that steroids thin the skin meaning that the next outbreak may appear quickly or the symptoms may be worse.‘
Firstly, he says, ‘it is imperative to take a good soft tissue anti-inflammatory supplement such as Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin. Curcumin is the active group of compounds found in turmeric that has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Additionally, curcumin displays powerful blood purifying properties and this coupled with calming inflammation helps to control this orm of dermatitis very effectively and quickly.’ (Super Bio-Curcumin/£27.75 for 60 capsules, from
Topically, Shabir Daya recommends you use Carina Organics Botanical Therapeutic Skin Cream/£14.50 for 120 ml, from ‘This topical cream can be used anywhere on the body or face, with the exception of the eye area. It contains a blend of herbs such as nettle, echinacaea and chamomile to calm inflammation. Unique to this cream is the addition of gums exuded by conifers that have a healing effect. Ideally this should replace your daily moisturiser for the next month or so,’ he concludes.