
Q. I wasn’t sure about this whole ‘blanket with sleeves’ craze but now I’m considering. What’s’s verdict?

A. Oh, this one made us laugh (even though it’s outside our usual beauty advice territory).  We’ve actually been giggling about the whole ‘slanket’ craze even before your e-mail.  There’s a lot to be said for something toasty to snuggle up in on a cold winter’s evening, but we’ve always found that the combo of a cashmere jumper, an eiderdown (we both have a fine vintage collection!) and a pair of winter FitFlops (we will barely be taking ours off until April now) does the trick.  There is something rather daytime-television-couch-potato about the ‘slanket’, and we’re not sure we’d want to answer the door to the postman while encased in one.  On the other hand, if it helps save the environment by allowing you to keep the house a degree or two colder, then we’re all for it!  So it’s really your call – but we’re sticking to the eiderdowns and winter FitFlops. For anyone who’s intrigued by the ‘slanket’, meanwhile, it’s on!